A podcast

about spirituality, religion, practice, avoidance, belief, denial, surrender, and rebellion.

Wherever you are in your journey I wanna hear about it. Rather than talking to gurus, leaders, professionals, or experts, first and foremost I want to connect with people. In the interview we discard names, vocations, titles, and identities in order to keep the focus on our practice and glorify The Divine rather than our egos. The goal is to talk about the successes and challenges of spiritual and religious practice (or lack there of) and hopefully share some light, laughter, and love in the process.

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Morgan Mc

In 2008 I started my spiritual practice in the form of addiction recovery. I have an education background in communication studies, conflict studies, religious studies, social services, and counseling. Though I grew up and was baptized in the Methodist tradition, my current spiritual practices involve 12 step, Thervada Buddhism, and Yoga. I also have a deep appreciation for Abrahamic traditions, Native American traditions, Goddess worship, and reverence for the natural world. I also practice integrating those teachings and wisdom into my daily life. I currently work in the entertainment industry, and for fun I support the arts, rock climb, and try to spend as much time as possible in nature.